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I wanted to reach out and include you in a wonderful opportunity for our school community.  Diane Wiens, Brandon Van Hooydonk and Kelly Dvorak went to Japan last year, and this year we are hosting students from Natori, Japan.  Please find below an invitation to host students on this exchange.  Please note that families who host will be given priority to register for the exchange to Japan during spring break, 2026.

We are excited to announce that, as part of the longstanding exchange program between Journey and Natori, Japan, we will be welcoming 22 students from Natori to our community from March 25 to March 30, 2025. This exchange offers a wonderful opportunity to foster cross-cultural understanding and build lifelong connections.

To make this program possible, we are seeking 22 host families to welcome these visiting students into their homes during their stay. Hosting a student is an incredibly rewarding experience, allowing families to share Canadian culture while learning about Japanese traditions and values.

Host Family Requirements:

  • Provide a separate bedroom for the student.
  • Ensure a warm, welcoming, and inclusive home environment.
  • Participate in some cultural activities organized throughout the week.

The week will include various community events and cultural activities, including visiting the Sooke Region Museum, French Beach, and activities in Langford that host families will be invited to join. These activities are a great way to connect with the visiting students and share in this memorable experience.

If you are interested in hosting a student or have any questions, please contact Kelly Dvorak at kdvorak@sd62.bc.ca. We will be holding an informational meeting on February 20th @ 6:00 pm in the library.  Please RSVP your interest to Kelly as well.

Thank you for considering this meaningful opportunity to support our exchange program and strengthen the bond between Journey and Natori.



Kelly Dvorak, Diane Wiens and Brandon Van Hooydonk.


Good Morning,

The following volleyball games have been cancelled this evening due to bad winter weather in the Westshore.


*Jr. Varsity HOME GAME is cancelled

*Jr. Girls White Team @ Dunsmuir is cancelled 

*Jr. Girls Red Team @ John Stubbs is cancelled


Thank You





Grant Funded Little River Pedestrian Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project Takes Next Steps Toward Anticipated 2025 Opening

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 – The District of Sooke is pleased to announce that Council has directed staff to proceed with the awarding of the tender for the Little River Pedestrian Crossing Project to Regehr Contracting Ltd. after a competitive bidding process. This project will enhance pedestrian connectivity and safety, serving as an important link in our community’s transportation network, and is being funded outside District of Sooke tax dollars, led by $1.3 million in funding from the Federal Government through an Active Transportation Grant.

The Little River Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project is a pedestrian crossing over DeMamiel Creek, referred to as “Little River” by T’Sou-ke Nation, also includes a supporting trail system to increase connectivity between the Sunriver Neighbourhood and nearby schools, as well as Sooke’s town core. It will form a critical connection for the Sunrun Trail, as identified in the District’s Parks and Trails Master Plan, and provide an alternative transportation option to help alleviate vehicle travel on Highway 14. The project will also incorporate interpretive signage to educate users on the cultural and natural history of the area.

Key Project Details:

  • Contractor: Regehr Contracting Ltd
  • Construction Budget: $2 million
  • Funding Breakdown:
    • $1.3 million – Federal Active Transportation Funds
    • $500,000 – Provincial Active Transportation Funds
    • Remaining portion – Parks Development Cost Charges (Developer contributions), Growing B.C. Fund, Casino Reserves Fund
  • Project Timeline:
    • January to February 2025: Site preparation (in advance of bird nesting season March to June).
    • Spring 2025: Trail and boardwalk construction begins.
    • August 1 to September 15, 2025: Bridge and instream works conducted around the fisheries window.
    • Fall 2025: Substantial completion.

“This milestone marks an exciting step forward in the development of Sooke’s trail systems,” said Mayor Maja Tait. “It reflects our commitment to creating a walkable, connected community while protecting and enhancing our natural environment, and providing alternative means to get around Sooke to lessen reliance on Highway 14.”

The new trail and bridge will connect the east and west portions of the community by Poirier Elementary and Journal Middle Schools, facilitating pedestrian travel between Sooke’s Town Core and the Sunriver Neighbourhood including the expanding recreation site at Ravens Ridge Park. The Little River Crossing will not only provide a safe and scenic route for pedestrian travel but also encourage outdoor activity and ease transportation challenges by offering a sustainable, active transportation option.



Related resources:


More About Little River Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project:

July 27, 2020: News Release: Phase 1 of Demamiel Creek Pedestrian Crossing now open


Late Immersion is coming to Journey!

What is it?

Late French Immersion is a program where students enter in Grade 6 and learn to become fluent in French. By Grade 8, they are at the same fluency level as Early French Immersion students (who enter the program in Kindergarten or Grade 1).

Who is it for?

Students who self-select, want to learn French and are willing to take risks with their learning are the most successful.

How does it work?

Students enter in Grade 6. All subjects are taught in French – no English Language Arts until Grade 7, except for ADST, Academies, Exploratories and Band. The goal is 100% French classroom instruction. The focus is on French language development in listening comprehension and building confidence in speaking French. Second language learning design includes games, themes, songs, drama and other engaging activities. Students join the Early French Immersion cohort in Grade 8. At EMCS, they can continue in French Immersion and graduate with a Dual Dogwood Certificate.

When does it start?

September 2025

What does it mean for my child’s future education?

Classes tend to be smaller, with students creating a tight-knit cohort. Students can participate in the French Immersion Program until Grade 12, graduating with a Dual Dogwood Certificate. Students’ French language of instruction changes throughout their educational path (see reverse).  French Immersion can provide opportunities for students’ worlds to open in terms of employment, culture, travel and post-secondary education.

How do I sign up?

Registration will open in late January (https://webserver.sd62.bc.ca/schools/registration). For more information or questions, please email Stephanie Croft at scroft@sd62.bc.ca.

More information at Parent Information Meeting, January 20th at 6:00 at Journey


Letter to Parents – Jan 8 2025


Message from your PAC:


  1. WEST COAST SEED FOR SALE – Starting Wednesday, January 16th

The popular and high quality seed company West Coast Seeds will be partnering with us in a fundraiser towards school activities. Order forms and more information will be coming home next week.

  1. PAC FUN LUNCHES – Munchalunch.com

The Winter Session is now open for ordering. We are offering Subway and Panago Pizza.

Order and pay through munchalunch.com

Fri. Jan. 24th – Subway (deadline for orders Sun. Jan. 19th)

Fri. Feb. 7th – Panago Pizza  (deadline for orders Sun. Feb. 2nd)

Fri. Feb. 21st – Subway  (deadline for orders Sun. Feb. 16th)

Fri. Mar. 7th – Panago Pizza  (deadline for orders Sun. Mar. 2nd)


  1. Our next PAC meeting will be Tuesday, January 14th, 7pm at the Journey library. Everyone Welcome!

Follow us on facebook: Journey Middle School PAC & Parents


Please click on the link for the Weekly Update.

Letter to parents – Journey Dec. 16, 2024




Message from the PAC:

PIZZA BY THE SLICE  🍕 FOR SALE – Friday Dec. 20th

* served during the lunch hour *

Location: Art room doorway outside

$3 per slice (Cheese, Pepperoni, Hawaiian)

Pop & chips also available.


Winter Dance – Friday, Dec 20th – 12:30-2:30pm

* professional DJ with lights display 🥳

* concession available 🍭

* photo booth with instant photos printed, $2 per photo 📸

Are you interested in volunteering to help with this event? We would love that! 

Email: journeymiddleschoolpac@gmail.com


PAC FUN LUNCHES – Munchalunch.com

The Winter Session is now open for ordering. We are offering Subway and Panago Pizza.

Order and pay through munchalunch.com


Follow us on facebook: Journey Middle School PAC & Parents


Parent Advisory Council – President

Journey Middle School



PAC Funding Request Form

PAC Reimbursement Request Form


Hello Families,

I hope you all had a great weekend. I try to send out information updates to all families near the beginning of the week. It may not be every week, but I do like to communicate and keep everyone updated as much as possible.

Over the last week, I have met a few family members, chatted with a few on the phone, or communicated over email. I want to thank you all for the warm welcome I have received at Journey Middle School this week. The staff have been so kind and many students have made the effort to say ‘hello’. I am very excited to join this staff and look forward to building relationships with you all.

I must say, I was a bit nervous jumping right in last Monday as I had no idea what to expect. Those feelings were gone the second staff and students started to arrive. Middle school is busy and you just never know what to expect day to day. Last week was no exception, but it was a fabulous week. We had neighbour meetings, a bake sale, a pizza day, a pep rally, and not to mention everything else that pops up throughout the day. The school has a great feeling and I am happy to be here.

Routines and Expectations at Journey
It is way too early for me to commit on the rules and expectations in the school, but from my experience, I know December is a very busy month. We only have two weeks of school before the holiday break. As we get closer to this break, we tend to see more issues with student behaviour. The holiday season can be a very exciting time for some, but it might be stressful for others. Some students may make some poor choices and they may exhibit challenging behaviours over the next 2 weeks. Our staff will do our best to remain calm and patient, follow all routines and expectations and keep the students busy and engaged. Please have a conversation with your children and encourage them to continue to be kind and respectful to all over the next 2 weeks. We very much appreciate the family support and look forward to the next two weeks.

Thank you.
Darren Russell

Darren Russell (He/Him)
Journey Middle School
5422 Throup Road, Sooke, B.C. V9Z 0W6
O: 250-642-5881


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