Journey App: Instructions available at:
Thank you to our fabulous PAC for hosting our Welcome Back BBQ on Friday. Delicious hotdogs hot off the grill brought lots of smiles. The extra hotdogs fed students who “stayed for dinner” on Friday too!
Merci to all the families who had to make arrangements to pick up students stranded at school because of the road closure. One family had eleven extra students at one time and some stayed late into the evening! Our staff, bus drivers and Journey families really stepped up and “invested in people”.
Welcome to our new SPEDLA (Learning Support) teacher, Mr. Chris Pelley. Mr. Pelley is excited to be our newest Dragon and arrived just in time to be introduced at our Welcome Assembly on Friday.
Exploratory Forms went home with students on Friday. Please read the information at the top of the form carefully. ALL requirements must be met for the form to be accepted. We will begin to collect forms on Tuesday, September 18 at 7:30 a.m. in the foyer. Students must NOT hand in forms to their classroom teachers. Some choices fill up faster than others so we number each form in the order we receive them.
Love to Travel? – Grade 8s, are you interested in travelling to Europe this Spring Break? We are going to Switzerland, Northern Italy (Cinque Terre), Southern France (Provence, Nice, Monaco), and Spain (Barcelona). If you want to make amazing memories and connections to other parts of our world, come see Ms. Wiens for information. Parents, come meet Ms. Wiens and hear about the trip! She’ll be available in her classroom (room 2221) from 7:30-8:00 after the Meet the Teacher Night on Wednesday. You can also go online to our trip website at for more information.
Scouting in Sooke – For the first time, Sooke will have a Scout troop that meets at Journey! There has already been a lot of excitement and interest in our program. We are welcoming more participants to enroll; however, we require more parent or young adult volunteers (scouter volunteers need to be 18 and older).
Scouts has changed. It is an opportunity for your child to explore and take interest in the world around them. Programs are meant to be youth led. That means they choose, plan, and create their own program based on their interests. Scouting has become a means for youth to have safe, well organized and supported adventures of their own making.
Do you and your child want to learn how to repel and rock climb? Is there a group a parents and youth that would like to go on a canoeing adventure, spelunking, hiking, camping, participate in local, provincial, national and international jamborees, rocket making, scuba diving, or any other exciting adventure? Scouting, with committed volunteers, can make these or almost limitless other adventures come true.
Scouting can also help your child learn leadership, cooperation, and perseverance. Youth who successfully participate in Scouts often add their participation on their resume, find entertainment that is not based on video games, are given opportunities to serve their community and learn practical hands on knowledge that helps them succeed.
If you would like to find out more and are willing to help us make these adventures become a reality, please contact Dan Sulzen (teacher at Journey). Your participation can be as simple as helping in the background or participating with us fully on a weekly basis or anywhere in between. To get in touch with us please send an email to: or stop by yourself or ask your child to stop in and talk with Mr. Sulzen in room 1175. If not me, who? If not now, when?
Monday – No School for Students
Exploratory Forms – bring your forms, and fee if applicable, to the foyer beginning at 7:30 a.m. Follow ALL instructions on the forms which will be collected in order (each student will be given a number of the order they are handed in). DO NOT HAND IN FORMS TO ANY OTHER STAFF MEMBERS!
Tea in the Foyer @ recess – all students are welcome to stop by with their mugs and get a cup of herbal tea compliments of Ms. Shannon. If you forget your cup today she will have a disposable one for you!
Skatepark club @ lunch break – You can bring skateboards, scooters, BMX bikes (no mountain bikes) or rollerblades and join this fast paced club. Students must have waivers signed (available in the office) and you must bring the required equipment to participate.
Exploratory Forms – bring your forms, and fee if applicable, to the foyer beginning at 7:30 a.m. Follow ALL instructions on the forms which will be collected in order (each student will be given a number of the order they are handed in). DO NOT HAND IN FORMS TO ANY OTHER STAFF MEMBERS!
Lunch-Subway Sandwiches @ lunch. $3.50 per 6”. Chips and juice boxes also available to purchase. Munch Cards and cash accepted.
Skatepark club @ lunch break (see info above)
Meet the Teacher Evening – Come out and meet the Journey Staff 6:30-7:30 pm (classrooms 6:30-7 and presentation in Gym 7-7:30).
Exploratory Forms – bring your forms, and fee if applicable, to the OFFICE. DO NOT HAND IN FORMS TO ANY OTHER STAFF MEMBERS!
Exploratory Forms – bring your forms, and fee if applicable, to the OFFICE. DO NOT HAND IN FORMS TO ANY OTHER STAFF MEMBERS! If you have not handed in your exploratory form by today at noon, you will be placed into an exploratory where there is space.
Picture Day – students will have their individual pictures taken today. Students on field trips will have theirs taken at a later date if they don’t have the opportunity today.
Mrs. Fed’s class is selling Freezies outside kitchen @ lunch $1