Welcome Back from Spring Break – We hope everyone had time to do some fun activities and enjoy sleeping in!
Our Vision is Run to Be Here, and our Mission Statement is ASPIRE. This week we are focusing on being good community citizens and providing input into Sooke’s new Official Community Plan (OCP). The District of Sooke is looking for everyone’s ideas, but especially for the opinions of 12-14-year-old students. Please go on with your family to picturesooke.ca and let the mayor and council know what you’d like Sooke to look like as we grow over the next 10 years.
Several Cohort Changes beginning Monday, March 29:
The following cohort groups will be together after spring break. Cohort groups spend recess and lunch times together and share the same zones during these times. It is up to the teachers involved if they wish to collaborate and spend more time together outside of these times. This is done following all COVID-19 protocols put out by the Ministry of Health.
Divisions 1 (Sulzen) & 2 (Barnes), Divisions 3 (Vine) & 4 (Walker), Divisions 5 (Nadeau) & 6 (Sims), Divisions 7 (Croft), 8 (Winser), & 9 (Robirtis/Johnston), Divisions 10 (Federici) & 12 (Maragh), Divisions 13 (Gitzel/McClintock) & 11 (Donegani/Jones/Archer), Divisions 14 (Gautam) & 18 (Quint), Divisions 15 (Tran) & 16 (Munroe), Divisions 17 (Dvorak) & 20 (Elm), Divisions 19 (Van Hooydonk) & 21 (Wiens). Zone 4 will not be in use and zone 2 will be put back into use.
Shout out to our PAC for always supporting our requests for funding and always putting students first. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated!
Registration Date: Hockey Academy sign-up for the 2021-22 school year in some age groups. Students may still register and be placed on a waitlist.
Parent/Teacher Communication – April 15 would usually be our Celebration of Learning Event; however, we will be not having any open house again this year. Students will be dismissed at 11:58 a.m. and staff will use the afternoon and evening to connect with parents. Staff may use other times than this to connect and will be putting out information to families over the next few weeks.
Cohort (gr. 6 & 7) change and Zone rotation change for all students.
Skateboarding Club – First Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
Skateboarding Club – Second Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
Good Friday –School not in session. We will see you Tuesday, April 6
Thanks for doing your part during the pandemic – it is appreciated.
Daily Health Check – please remember to follow the DHC and not send your child to school if they are not well. If a student becomes unwell, or tells us they are unwell, at school, they will wait for pick up in our Supervision Room which is sanitized between guests. Up to two students can be in the room at one time (physically distanced and masked). Masks – please continue to provide and remind your child to bring a mask to school each day.
Happy Spring Break to all our students and families. We are going into this Spring Break much more hopeful than last year, happy to know vaccines are rolling out and Dr. Henry has given us permission to meet safety with our group of 10 bubble!
We are part of a pilot for communicating student learning in different ways. This year you would have been receiving Points of Progress and/or Report Cards (teacher choice) with information of your child’s academic progress. Because they are final assessments, Fine Arts, Applied Skills, Technology ( F.A.S.T. ) rotation marks are inputted into your child’s MyEd account at the end of each rotation. You should be able to see FAST 2 and FAST 3 marks now. If you have not received information about your child’s progress in all subject areas (except for Careers) please contact your child’s teacher.
In September Journey will be welcoming a new principal, Ms. Pam Gerrits. Ms. Gerrits is currently the Vice-Principal at Dunsmuir Middle School and brings with her a wealth of middle school knowledge and experience. She is a musician and music teacher and plays in the Island Big Band and often with the Greater Victoria Concert Band. She will be transitioning into her new role for September and meeting with some of our students and staff over the next few months. Mrs. Abell will continue to be our vice-principal.
Again, enjoy the sunshine and the break and we will see everyone Monday, March 29.
Journey Middle School is holding it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Parent Advisory Committee on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The AGM this year will held virtually.
The AGM is where the new PAC Executive is elected. We are currently looking to find parents interested in the following roles:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- SPEAC Representative (Sooke Parents Education Advisory Council – https://www.sd62.bc.ca/parents-students/dpac-speac/about-speac)
The Journey PAC is also looking for parent volunteers to assist with the running of the PAC who may not be able to take on an Executive role. The AGM requires 15 attendees to form a quorum.
PACs are forums within each school community to discuss matters affecting your school and the education of your children. PACs, with strong participation from parents, have an important influence on life at the school and the feelings the community has toward the school and education. (https://bccpac.bc.ca/index.php/members/pac-dpac/what-is-a-pac)
A PAC Executive is required for Journey to receive its yearly Community Gaming Grant from the Government of British Columbia. The grant is intended to benefit students at Journey by enhancing extracurricular opportunities and promoting parent and community involvement. For 2020/21 Journey Middle School received a gaming grant of just over $10,000. Some of the activities the PAC has supported using the grant are:
- Funding for social/emotional learning support equipment
- Funding for outdoor cooking project
- Funding for an outdoor classroom
- Funding for supplies for the Counselling Department
- Funding for sports equipment for the Bounce Back Program
- Funding for supplies for the Skills Canada competitions
It is CRITICAL that we receive enough volunteers to ensure that a PAC Executive is in place for the 2021/22 school year.
If you would like to attend the AGM and/or put your name forward as a volunteer or for an Executive position please contact the PAC at journeymiddleschoolpac@gmail.com
Thank you,
Journey Middle School PAC
Our Vision is Run to Be Here, and our Mission Statement is ASPIRE. This week we are focusing on our last week before Spring and recognizing as we come to what feels like our one year anniversary of adapting to living with Covid 19. This time last year information was coming at us fast and furiously as we left for Spring Break. Most of us were unaware at that time that schools would still adjusting safety protocols a year later. Enjoy your Spring Break with your children. We are fortunate to live in such a naturally beautiful place that provides us the space to be active and somewhat social in the great outdoors!
On Friday we bid our longtime custodian, Steve Hill goodbye as he moved on to the head custodian position at Willway Elementary. Mr. Hill has worked on and off for the la.st twenty years at Journey and we will miss him terribly, but wish him well in his new position. He always had time to listen and help students and staff while taking pride in his work.
This Wednesday we say thank you and farewell to Ms. Lovett who has been teaching in Division 20 while Mr. Elm has been coaching hockey academy. With hockey wrapping up we are grateful for her dedication to Journey and hope to see her back on staff again soon!
PAC Fundraiser: DFS fundraiser will be running for the month of March. To check out the fundraiser go www.shopdfscanada.com our 4 digit school code is 7617. Everything will be labeled when shipped so make sure you put your child’s name when ordering. They are Canadian and have some great springtime products.
The West Coast Seed order has arrived and should be to all families who ordered this week.
Mrs. Wallace’s Learning Commons Update:
- March Madness: Battle of the Books has moved into the finals! It is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins versus Wonder by R.J. Palacio, competing to be Journey’s favourite book of 2021. Voting is open and will be available until Thursday, March 11 at https://bit.ly/3rnIYNX. Please encourage your student to vote. Munro Books generously donated book prizes and there will be 1 prize winner drawn each week from participants.
- Vancouver Island Regional Library Spring Break Challenge for Journey students!! Nathalie Jones from VIRL has created a spring break read, listen, and learn challenge just for Journey students, there will even be prizes up for grabs! The challenge is available here: https://bit.ly/38etST6 and students will also be given an opportunity to take a paper copy home. Every category tried will earn an entry into the draw for prizes.
- Spring Break Jokes for Folks: VIRL has also created two other spring break challenges available to everyone running from March 6 – April 6, 2021. There are children’s and family programs such as story times, laughter yoga and a family watch party, take home crafts, a silly scavenger hunt and a teen book challenge. All details can be found at https://virl.bc.ca/read-watch-listen/audience/kids/spring-break-kids/ and https://virl.bc.ca/read-watch-listen/audience/teens/spring-break-teen-reading-club/. Happy reading and listening!
- Audiobooks: Check out these two articles about why listening to a book isn’t cheating and why they are great for students! Audiobooks or Reading: To our brains it doesn’t matter and Why Audiobooks are Great for Kids. VIRL has thousands available on the libby app and at https://virl.overdrive.com/.
Registration Date: Hockey Academy sign-up for the 2021-22 school year begins on March 8. Please sign up online (see this website for information)
Zone rotation change.
Registration Date: Hockey Academy sign-up for the 2021-22 school year begins on today at 6 a.m. Please sign up online (see this website for information) if you are interested in joining for next year’s academy.
PAC Meeting tonight virtually on MSTeams. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Skateboarding Club – First Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
A&W Burger Day – all pre-ordered lunches will be delivered to the classrooms
Skateboarding Club – Second Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
March Madness Theme continues – Events for all students and staff to be involved in at school. The school will be divided into morning and afternoon events and all activities will have health and safety protocols in place. Students stay tuned to announcements for more info.
All students should have received a Point of Progress from their teacher on every subject (exception Careers), and FAST assessments for #2 and #3 by today. If you have not received an assessment by this date, please contact your child’s teacher. This may not look like a formal report card. You may have been getting assessments as the year has gone along – many teachers have been communicating with parents at different times of the year; however, some classes may be receiving teacher generated assessments today. Teachers will inform parents how they communicate student learning.
Enjoy your Spring Break, stay safe, have fun and we will see you back at school on March 29. We will ease you in gently because we are off for Good Friday and Easter Monday on your first weekend back.
Thanks for doing your part during the pandemic – it is appreciated.
Daily Health Check – please remember to follow the DHC and not send your child to school if they are not well. If a student becomes unwell, or tells us they are unwell, at school, they will wait for pick up in our Supervision Room which is sanitized between guests. Up to two students can be in the room at one time (physically distanced and masked). Masks – please continue to provide and remind your child to bring a mask to school each day.
Message from the Ministry of Education
Dear Parents and Guardians/Caregivers:
During the next two months Journey Middle School, SD#62 is participating in the 2021 Ministry of Education Electronic Anonymous Student Learning Survey Project. This is in cooperation with all other school districts throughout B.C.
Parents/Guardians/Caregivers can complete the online Anonymous Student Learning Surveys any time before 11:59 pm April 30th, 2021, providing immediate results to the school and the district.
Surveys are available for:
Students in Grades 7 (student PEN number required – found on MyEd)
Parents/Guardians/Caregivers of Grade 7 Students (no logon code necessary)
To complete the surveys:
- Go to any computer that has an up-to-date internet browser access at home, work, or school.
- Go to www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/access.htm
- Under the section Direct Access – no logon number required select:
- District: 62
- School: Journey Middle School
- Language: the language of your choice
- Complete the survey by clicking on the appropriate circle to answer each question. Move to the next set of questions by clicking on the right arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on the left arrow to navigate backwards.
- When you are finished the survey, you will get a message “Thank you for sharing your views”.
Please print your child’s name and sign and date the bottom of this letter indicating that you have completed the survey. Please remember to return only the bottom section to the school.
Thank you for participating in this innovative project. If you need more information or would like to see the results for the District or your school, consult with your school principal.
All students who complete the survey, and return this portion of this form, will be entered to win one of 5 Munch Cards (value $20).
Student Name: _______________________________
Parent//Guardians/Caregivers Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
Our Vision is Run to Be Here, and our Mission Statement is ASPIRE. This week we are focusing on one of our three Values: Safety. We’re not just talking Covid 19 safety which does take up a lot of our time right now. We want our students to be safe physically and emotionally. This is a commitment of all our staff and something we work on every day with support from families and the community as well.
New mask rules: Students must now wear masks in their classrooms unless sitting at their desk or eating/drinking. They must now also wear them in the gym during P.E.
PAC Fundraiser: DFS fundraiser will be running for the month of March. To check out the fundraiser go www.shopdfscanada.com our 4 digit school code is 7617. Everything will be labeled when shipped so make sure you put your child’s name when ordering. They are Canadian and have some great springtime products. The West Coast Seed order has been shipped. We will notify you as soon as they arrive. Next Virtual PAC meeting March 8 at 7 p.m.
Mrs. Wallace’s Learning Commons Update: March Madness: Battle of the Books has moved into the semi-finals! Voting is open and will be available until Thursday, March 4 at https://bit.ly/37QkIfk. Please encourage your student to vote. Munro Books generously donated book prizes and there will be 1 prize winner drawn each week from participants.
- Freedom to Read week, an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was Feb. 21-27, 2021. Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Schools and libraries are regularly asked to remove books and magazines from their shelves. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read. Check out this interactive map of where 35 written works have been challenged across Canada and talk to your student about intellectual freedom.
- February 17 was I Read Canadian day – a National day of celebration of Canadian books for young people! We celebrated the day by highlighting many of our Canadian books from the school library and we still have them on display. How many Canadian books do you read? There are lots of lists of great Canadian literature available, check out: The Canadian Children’s Book Centre, the Forest of Reading Awards, and BC’s Red Cedar Book Awards just to name a few. Happy Reading!
March Madness Theme continues – March 11 we are planning events for all students and staff to be involved in at school. The school will be divided into morning and afternoon events and all activities will have health and safety protocols in place. More info coming out next week!
Registration Date: Hockey Academy sign-up for the 2021-22 school year begins on March 8. Please sign up online (see this website for information)
Zone rotation.
FAST rotation #4 begins today. Students will begin go their new classes. Assessments for FAST #3 are available on the parent portal of MyEd on March 12.
Skateboarding Club – First Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
Skateboarding Club – Second Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
School Spirit Day – Tropical Thunder!
Last Day to order Burger Lunch for March 10. Order forms are in the office.
Run to be Here/Wear your Mask/Be Safe
Daily Health Check – please remember to follow the DHC and not send your child to school if they are not well. If a student becomes unwell, or tells us they are unwell, at school, they will wait for pick up in our Supervision Room which is sanitized between guests. Up to two students can be in the room at one time (physically distanced and masked). Masks – please continue to provide and remind your child to bring a mask to school each day.
Sooke Public Health is pleased to be able to offer your child’s eligible vaccines at Journey Middle School on Thursday March 11, 2021. The vaccines will only be given to your child if we have written parental consent on file. If you have not sent in a written consent to the school, and wish the vaccine to be given to your child, please send a signed consent to the school before the deadline March 8, 2021.
To ensure the vaccine experience is as pleasant as possible please:
- Have your child wear a short sleeve shirt to school
- Have your child eat a nutritious meal before school
Gr. 7 parents please note Public Health Nurses will be offering eligible booster vaccines to students on March 11. If you signed a consent form when your child was in Gr. 6, you do not need to send a second consent to the school.
Please call Sooke Health Unit @ 250-519-3487 if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you
Sooke Public Health
Our Vision is Run to Be Here, and our Mission Statement is ASPIRE. This week we are focusing on one of our three Values: Kindness. This is a value we strive to show each and every day, but even more so this week and on Pink Shirt Day. We believe we live in a kind town and go to school where kindness is valued and noticed.
Pizza Day Gone Wild! The company we ordered pizza from unfortunately forgot to make our pizzas! Thank you to Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Crocker for quickly coming to the rescue and although each child got at least one piece, it wasn’t what they were expecting. The majority of students were patient and understanding. Students who ordered, and did not request their money back, will receive a free burger lunch March 10 if they fill out their Free Burger Order Form (ask your teacher). This program is not run by our PAC.
Equipment and Puzzles – We are still accepting exercise equipment amillen@sd62.bc.ca and/or gently used puzzles jcrow@sd62.bc.ca.
Mrs. Wallace’s Learning Commons Update:
We have now completed our school-based Skills Canada competitions where students made gravity cars, wind turbines, or spaghetti bridges. This was all leading up to the regional Skills Canada BC competitions which will be streamed from Camosun in early March. It was amazing to see so many students using their design thinking skills to have a hands-on learning experience. Not to mention all the core competencies that were in action – talk about perseverance! Lots of fun and laughter were experienced as well! Each competition has teams moving onto regionals: 4 gravity cars, 5 wind turbines, and 3 spaghetti bridges. Winners will be announced on Monday during the announcements. Congratulations to all participants!
Registration Date: Hockey Academy sign-up for the 2021-22 school year begins on March 8. Please sign up online (see this website for information)
Last week of FAST rotation #3 Assessments will be available on MyEd on or before March 12.
Skateboarding Club – First Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
Pink Shirt Day– Students and staff are encouraged to wear pink today! Activities have been happening over the last several weeks to celebrate kindness. Today each student and staff member will receive a nut free kindness cookie (gluten and dairy free also available upon request). Watch for our Pink Flag with staff and student signatures on it flying on our BC flag pole (hopefully the wind will be blowing).
Skateboarding Club – Second Lunch students with signed waivers and proper gear. No exceptions to any of the rules. Listen to announcements each morning for additional opportunities.
Grade 7 FSA online testing
Sooke Parents Education Advisory Council (SPEAC) is sponsoring a workshop for parents about raising an anti-racist child tonight 7-8:30 p.m. Sign up at www.eventbrite.ca/e/135450264387 if interested.
Grade 7 FSA online testing
Fire Drill 11:30 a.m.
School Spirit Day – Dress like FOOD (who comes up with these ideas?)
Run to be Here/Wear your Mask/Be Kind
Daily Health Check – please remember to follow the DHC and not send your child to school if they are not well. If a student becomes unwell, or tells us they are unwell, at school, they will wait for pick up in our Supervision Room which is sanitized between guests. Up to two students can be in the room at one time (physically distanced and masked). Masks – please continue to provide and remind your child to bring a mask to school each day.
Please see the link for the February 24th Career Discovery Expo #Dream Big.
We had a little difficulty with our order today and our staff worked to make the best of the situation. A shout out to our students who were very understanding as we explained the situation and most classes received a second piece to help make up for it all. For the classes who did not, or if an order was incorrect (ie: gluten free) we will find a way to make their next lunch day enjoyable! A reminder for all that our PAC does not do lunch program and it is our staff who took on the project to make our student’s lives a little brighter! Thank you again for your understanding.
Please see the link for Spring Break Adventure camp from Westcoast Adventure College.