JMS Community,
Click on the link below for October 10th Week At A Glance. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
(1) Our April Parent Event – “A Conversation for Families About Digital Wellbeing and Mental Health”
As parents, we struggle with balancing our children’s time spent in the digital world and what we consider the real world. It’s not easy to know how much time on technology is too much and how to set boundaries that don’t create conflict. Join us for a conversation and viewing our new video with a digital wellbeing expert to learn some practical solutions to our everyday concerns and challenges around our kids’ use of screens and their mental health.
Dr. Kristy Goodwin, Digital Wellbeing and Productivity Researcher, Speaker, Author and Consultant.
Time & Dates:
April 20, 2022 at 12:00pm
April 26, 2022 at 6:30pm
April 28, 2022 at 5:00pm
Cost: Free
Registration Required:
Digital Wellbeing Watch Now:
(2) Help For The Hard Times Workshop : These run every month for parents and caregivers whose children have been at the ER or have had a hospital stay for mental health or substance use issues.
Dates & Times:
April 12, 14, 19, & 21— 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
May 9, 11, 16, & 18 — 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
June 7, 9, 14, & 16 — 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
For more information & Register:
(3) New BGC Parenting Programs Starting up in April
April 12th ongoing Parents Together Daytime 12-1:30 PM & 6:30-8 PM Tuesdays Begins
April 13th-Jun 15th: Parents in the Know Daytime 12-1:30 PM & 6:30-8 PM Wednesdays
April 14th-Jun 16th: Parenting Without Power Struggles 6:30 PM 8 PM Thursdays
All groups cover a variety of topics including:
- Attachment and relationship-based practices
- Communication and 6 critical messages
- Developmental changes in pre-adolescence
- Adolescent brain development
- Boundaries, and turning over responsibility as appropriate
- Self-care – taking back your life
- Adolescent mental health
- Substance use and teens
- Connection and understanding
- Capacity building
- Technology
- Working towards independence
To register:
Please find attached the order form for the April 26th Subway Day!
*Please note orders are due no later than April 20th, and no late orders will be accepted.
Thank You
Dear Journey Middle School Families,
As we head into the third term of the 21/22 school year, we would like to let you know of some changes. Pam Gerrits will be on leave from Journey until the end of the school year. For continuity and to reduce disruption to staff and students, our current vice principal, Katrina Abell will be moving into the acting principal role until the end of the school year. Dante DiPonio will continue as acting vice principal and Kelly Dvorak, teacher, will step into the role of acting vice principal until the end of the school year. All other operations will remain the same as we gear up for our last term. Updates concerning school events, activities and Covid protocols will be posted on the Journey website weekly.
We are looking forward to these remaining three months with this dedicated and enthusiastic trio at the helm.
The Admin Team at Journey Middle School
We made it! Spring Break is upon us!
The school will be closed down over spring break, staff are taking a well-deserved break and taking a step away from all work for a while.
Classes resume April 4. Over the break our hard-working custodial and facilities personnel will be busy within our school. A new phone system will be installed over the break. Please be patient with us as training for our staff will take place after we’ve returned to school and have been back for a week, (there are bound to be some hiccups along the way).
When we come back, at this moment in time, we are not mandated to wear masks, but we support any staff or students who wish to continue to use them. We are still asking for conscientious hand hygiene and respecting physical distancing for all individuals within the building and outside while at school. We will also be removing our current grade specific zones.
Have a great Spring Break!
Please click on the links for more information on the Legion Branch 91 Logo Contest.
RCL Branch 91 TShirt Logo contest Poster
Please click on the link for more information on Spring 2022 Basketball/Westshore
Spring 2022 Flyer_Westshore Basketball_sm