Home / School News / Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Parent Advisory Committee


Journey Middle School is holding it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Parent Advisory Committee on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The AGM this year will held virtually.

The AGM is where the new PAC Executive is elected. We are currently looking to find parents interested in the following roles:


  1. Vice President
  2. Treasurer
  3. SPEAC Representative (Sooke Parents Education Advisory Council – https://www.sd62.bc.ca/parents-students/dpac-speac/about-speac)

The Journey PAC is also looking for parent volunteers to assist with the running of the PAC who may not be able to take on an Executive role. The AGM requires 15 attendees to form a quorum.

PACs are forums within each school community to discuss matters affecting your school and the education of your children. PACs, with strong participation from parents, have an important influence on life at the school and the feelings the community has toward the school and education. (https://bccpac.bc.ca/index.php/members/pac-dpac/what-is-a-pac)

A PAC Executive is required for Journey to receive its yearly Community Gaming Grant from the Government of British Columbia. The grant is intended to benefit students at Journey by enhancing extracurricular opportunities and promoting parent and community involvement. For 2020/21 Journey Middle School received a gaming grant of just over $10,000. Some of the activities the PAC has supported using the grant are:


  1. Funding for social/emotional learning support equipment
  2. Funding for outdoor cooking project
  3. Funding for an outdoor classroom
  4. Funding for supplies for the Counselling Department
  5. Funding for sports equipment for the Bounce Back Program
  6. Funding for supplies for the Skills Canada competitions

It is CRITICAL that we receive enough volunteers to ensure that a PAC Executive is in place for the 2021/22 school year. 

If you would like to attend the AGM and/or put your name forward as a volunteer or for an Executive position please contact the PAC at journeymiddleschoolpac@gmail.com


Thank you,

Journey Middle School PAC