Home / School News / This Week @ Journey December 7-11


School News:

Power Outages etc. Please watch our website/Journey App for updates about power outages, snow days, or other reasons your child might think school is closed.  School is on and open unless you hear otherwise, and we use our website/Journey app to keep you as updated as possible by relaying the info through the school board office (because we have no power).  CFAX AM 1070 is also another source of information.  This is difficult if you have no power!  If you hear, “Other students going home” it still does not mean school is closed and in all cases, we would never close the school if students are still here.  Your child will be safe, hydrated and fed if you cannot come to get them.  If we do shut down, we will follow our process that can take some time because we have over 500 students to check out.  This is a good time to update your emergency release forms.  We do not let students leave with people not on this list and phone lines to the school do not work when we have no power. 

Talent Show – Each year Journey hosts a Talent Show on the last day before winter break in the gym with the whole school watching.  This year we will record students as they perform in front of their Learning Cohort.  This will take place over the next two weeks. Interested students will sign up with Mr. Rehman and listen carefully to announcements for further details.  The whole school will then be welcome to watch the performance on MSTeams 10-11:30 Friday, December 18.  If your child has not handed in the permission form (at beginning of the year) they will not be in the talent show. 

Sooke Food Bank – Journey is selling candy canes for $1 each from now until December 16 at 9 a.m.  Each candy cane gives the buyer an opportunity to also win a Nintendo Switch Lite and Mario game.  It will be given away on the morning announcements.  Cash donations to the Sooke Food Bank can be brought to school or donated through EMCS’  alternative to their annual 10,0000 Night at sd62.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/670/137/false/true?fundDestination=10%2C000%20Tonight%20Food%20Drive%20-%20EMCS%20Family  We are one community working to help and celebrate each other!

Crib Board Donations: Div 5/6 are looking for Crib boards to be donated. Please drop them off with your teacher, Ms. Sims or Ms. Nadeau, or in the office.  Thank you!

From Ms. Wallace in the Library – Be a reading role model for your student this winter!  Research shows that reading can improve vocabulary, empower you to empathize, reduce stress, and fight depression symptoms.  The best way to encourage your student to become a reader is to be a reader yourself and share your reading adventures.  Check out this Scholastic article about 5 Ways to Be a Reading Role Model when you are too busy to read.

Help us find missing books!  Please check your house for any school library books (even if they belong to an elementary school) and send them back to school!  We are still missing many books from last school year.  We can also help deliver books to other schools in the district if you have any that need to be returned.  Thanks for your help!

Daily Health Check – please remember to follow the DHC and not send your child to school if they are not well.  If a student becomes unwell at school they will wait for pick up in our Supervision Room which is sanitized between guests.  Up to two students can be in the room at one time (physically distanced and masked).  Masks – please continue to provide and remind your child to bring a mask to school each day.


Zones – Morning: students may go to any zone.  Must always wear a mask and physically distance when possible.  Recess and Lunch: zones rotate today.  Masks are not required when in cohort zone but must be used when travelling to and from zone.

Journey Tree Arrives today!  Students will have the opportunity to bring down their decorations in their Learning Cohort Groups and decorate our giant tree!

Social Media Awareness Workshops – grade 8 classes, that have not participated already, will take part in a social media awareness workshop today.  Grade 6 & 7 workshops coming in January.



Lunch Day – Pre-ordered, individual pizzas from Boston Pizza are delivered today.  Students receive their pizza, a drink, and a bag of chips.   Thank you to our clerical team of Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Crocker for going above and beyond to make this happen for our students! 



Spirit Day – Dress as your favourite hero!

Points of Progress – This is the last day for parents to receive updates of their child’s academic progress for the first term.  Most have already gone home, but if you haven’t received them, please contact your child’s teacher(s).

Wash your hands, Invest in People, and always Run to be Here!