Home / School News / This week @ Journey April 3-10


To say that Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives is an understatement!  It may feel like the days of social gatherings, fastball games and hanging out with friends at school are gone, but they will return because we’re all trying to do our part – Wash your hands, stay at home, and social distance by 2 meters if you do go out.


Our highly creative staff has been working to find opportunities for our students to continue to learn and connect.  We thank you for the feedback we have received this week as we’re finding ways to engage students and balance expectations.  This week staff will have contacted each student/family.  If this did not happen, it could be that we do not have your most updated information.  Please contact your child’s teacher (see staff list/contact on the website) or call us at 250-642-5881.  Journey is closed for in-class instruction until further notice.


Next week we will provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to pick up prescription medications stored in the office, EpiPens left at school, and/or musical instruments only.  We are following the safety protocols for the health and safety of our staff and the public.  Only a parent/guardian is permitted to be in the school.  Students are not permitted to enter. Please email Vice-Principal, Katrina Abell for an appointment at kabell@sd62.bc.ca.  If, and when, we receive direction from the superintendent to allow additional pickups, we will let you know.


When school is open we have a lunch program for students to access each day.  We are offering an opportunity for a parent/guardian to register for meal pick up.  Nutritious, frozen meals can be picked up once per week at Journey for families needing some extra support during this time.  You do not have to have been registered on the program to take advantage of this opportunity.  Please email Principal, Laurie Szadkowski at lszadkowski@sd62.bc.ca to arrange for an appointment between 12-12:45 pm each Tuesday.


Remember as you take care of your children to also take care of yourselves.  We’re all on this whole new journey together and we are grateful to belong to such a caring community.