Home / School News / This Week @ Journey February 17-21


Parking Lot Safety – A reminder to all drivers and pedestrians that our parking lot is extremely busy during the morning drop off and afterschool pick up time. Please use extra caution and allow for enough time to drop your child off on time. Alternative locations include the Ball Park and/or Charters Road. Thanks!

The Pan-Am Cross Country Championships on Saturday Feb 29. Ms. Croft is trying to get a Journey team together and has only two students so far. The school race is at 11:20 and is 1200 meters. There’s also a community run (5km) at 9:00. If students are interested, parents should email scroft@sd62.bc.ca so she can register them. Here’s the link about it: https://panamxccup2020.com/events/nations-cup/

Community News

Harmony Project Sooke will hold a Bottle Drive on Sat March 7th, under the Seaparc sign at corner of Sooke and Phillips Roads, from 8:45am-1pm. Please save up your bottles and cans to help raise funds for our Strings and Drumline programs.

Sooke Autism Support SocietyMonthly Meeting is going to include some really IMPORTANT information! Debra Johnston, Financial Planner at RBC will talk to us about Financial Planning & the RDSP and be happy to answer any questions you might have : ) Then, we will give you our “Oprah’s Give-Away” Autism Package that features all the discounts and freebies you NEED to know about that are available to families with special needs!

Tuesday, February 18th
EMCS Library
7:00 pm

Please share with anyone you think may be interested – this is a topic for families with any type of special needs, not just children with ASD.

Sooke’s Sea Cadets Royal Canadian Sea Cadet

LT(N) CANDY ARTHUR Commanding Officer co@sookeseacadets.ca

Training every Wednesday evening, September to June, 6:00-9:00 pm. At Sooke Legion

Monday – Family Day


On the QT -Voices Rm/Lunch

Tea in the Foyer at recess

Magic the Gathering/lunch in Ms. Dvorak’s room – by reservation

Robotics Club/Ms. Dvorak’s room 3:15-4:30pm

Choir in the band room @ lunch


Grade 6/7 & 8 Boys Volleyball Practice in the morning (7:45 – 8:30)

Grade 7/8 Girls Volleyball Practice at lunch

Grade 6/7 Girls Rec. Volleyball Practice after school (3:15 – 4:45)

Grade 6/7 Girls COMP. Volleyball Game @St. Michael’s at 3:45 (students will be dismissed at 2:30) 


 A&W @ lunch (really this time). Cash and munch cards accepted. Munch cards available in the office for $20

SOGI Club at lunch

Robotics Club afterschool 3:15-4:30pm


Ping pong @ lunch MP Room

Grade 6/7 Girls Volleyball Practice in the morning (7:45 – 8:30)

Grade 7/8 Girls Volleyball Practice at lunch

Grade 6/7 Girls COMP. Volleyball Practice after school (3:15 – 4:45)

Boys Rugby Practice after school from 3:15 – 4:45


Homework Club for divisions 13 & 20 at lunch time by reservation (Ms. Dvorak)


Grade 6/7 Girls Volleyball Practice at lunch

Grade 6/7 & 8 Boys Volleyball Practice after school (3:15 – 4:45)



Intramural Volleyball at lunch: Mount Olympus vs. Utopia

Boys Rugby Practice after school from 2:00 – 3:30